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Vulnerability Management


Check CVE on all instances​


# This script will check your CVE-ID against all AWS accounts and regions.
# Usage: ./ CVE-2022-4022
# Be mindful of the CVE-ID syntax in the example above. Also you can only search for one CVE-ID at the time.
# From standard output you can follow on which account and region the script is working
# The results can be found in the `output` folder.
## A folder will be created inside the `output` for each CVE-ID you will look for.
### Inside each CVE-ID folder you will find raw json files for each account and region with vulnerable instances.
## You can then filter and retrieve data from the json using `jq`.
### Example: cat raw_Prod_us-east-1.json | jq -r '.findings[].resources[].id'

# Listing all accounts and regions
accounts=<"Development PreProd Production">
regions=<"eu-west-1 us-east-1">

# Output folder
mkdir -p output

# For each account on each region retrieve all ressources vulnerable to your CVE-ID
for account in $accounts

# Authentication

for region in $regions
# Standard output for following the script activity
echo $account $region

# Creating a folder for your CVE and a file for each account and region inside this folder.
mkdir -p output/$1

# Listing all CVE-ID and filtering on your CVE-ID and the status finding as "ACTIVE"
aws inspector2 list-findings --filter-criteria="vulnerabilityId=[{comparison="EQUALS",value="$1"}],findingStatus=[{comparison="EQUALS",value="ACTIVE"}]" --region $region > $file

# Remove the file if no instance has been found vulnerable for the current account and region
if [[ $(awk 'END{print NR}' $file) -eq 3 ]];
rm -f $file

Filtering on the output​

# How many instances are vulnerable?
cat output/CVE-2022-0847/raw_* | jq -r '.findings[].resources[].id' | grep "i-" | sort -u | wc -l
# What are the vulnerable images?
cat output/CVE-2022-0847/raw_* | grep -i iamInstanceProfileArn | cut -f 2 -d "/" | sort -u | cut -f 1 -d "\""

Execute a command on all instances​


#This script was used during the log4j investigation as a quick-win.
#The script takes as argument the command that will be executed on all instances from the region hardcoded in the script with the account your are logged.
#Here, the use case was to retrieve all jar files and push them in a S3 bucket.
#You may want to modify this script depending on the command you execute on the instances.

# Retrieve all instances from a region based on your access (authentication via CLI before)
instances=$(aws ssm describe-instance-information --region eu-west-1 --query "InstanceInformationList[].InstanceId" --output text)

for instance in $instances
echo $instance

#Execute the command
command_id=$(aws ssm send-command --region eu-west-1 --instance-ids "$instance" --document-name "AWS-RunShellScript" --parameters "commands='$*'" --query "Command.CommandId" | sed 's/^.\(.*\).$/\1/')

# Wait the command to finish only 100 sec
aws ssm wait command-executed --region eu-west-1 --command-id "$command_id" --instance-id "$instance"

# Retrieve the result of the command
result_command_raw=$(aws ssm get-command-invocation --region eu-west-1 --command-id "$command_id" --instance-id "$instance" --query "StandardOutputContent")

# Formatting
sed 's/\\n/\'$'\n''/g' <<< $result_command_raw > tmp
sed 's/"//' tmp | sed 's/ /\\ /g' | sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d'> result_command.txt

# Copy each file in the S3 bucket
while read jar_path
filename=$(basename $jar_path)
command_id2=$(aws ssm send-command --region eu-west-1 --instance-ids "$instance" --document-name "AWS-RunShellScript" --parameters "commands='aws s3 cp $jar_path s3://<your_S3_bucket>/jar/$instance/$filename'" --query "Command.CommandId" | sed 's/^.\(.*\).$/\1/')
aws ssm wait command-executed --region eu-west-1 --command-id "$command_id2" --instance-id "$instance"
result=$(aws ssm get-command-invocation --region eu-west-1 --command-id "$command_id2" --instance-id "$instance" --query "StandardOutputContent")
echo $result
